Hello everyone .... I know that is a lot (issimissimo) time that I do not live ..... but want to test, you want to work, either for lack of time and sometimes fatigue .... I was not able to update this blog!
few days ago I read on various internet news .... I noticed (to my chagrin) than this world we live in is dominated by a sort of "evolved" (So \u200b\u200bto speak) which is human .... to lie still in a state of "mental degradation and backwardness," which is sometimes more afraid of the difference between the developed and underdeveloped world!
Pongo to your attention some "fact" ... but first I'll carry the meaning of the word homophobia ... as quoted on wikipedia
" The term homophobia indicates the injury, the irrational fear or hatred against people violent homosexual , or actions that derive from it or that are attributable to it.
To homophobia is designed to include the fear of 'homosexuality , and in particular the fear of being considered homosexual, and the consequent behaviors aimed at preventing gay people and situations considered associated with them. "
.... although the word (from its Greek origin) to mean" fear the same "(= same omòs and phobia = fear) ...... because porcamiseria, that word would be linked to homosexuality?? (pirmo point of human ignorance)
and here are the facts. ......" kiss man is arrested! "
--- if two" heterosexual "kissing in the street ... all the" normal "because even if they are kissing with lots of languages \u200b\u200bwhich are falling in saliva from every corner of the mouth, touch like pigs or go against each other their reproductive parts .... completely normal .... why??? I'm straight!
but if two gay men, kiss each other and also exchange them with a bit of affection and love (not always associate the word "gay" the word "infidel and perpetually horny cock ").... looking for here is not normal ! XKE ????? I'm gay?? but do me the pleasure !!!!! The normal range lies in the difference that makes us each in its own way NORMAL!!
... SECOND FACT: "dead boy for homophobia "...... but I say .... we are in 2007!
read the forum these days of "Groundhog Day here," Using the program of the De ... on Rai2 ..... and there I copy the first post "..... The point I'm looking at, really touches the heart ... and a few tears silently makes you pay ... and makes you pay is the guy who thought of this after the violence goes 5 hours bleeding to death alone without anyone being aware of his pain, and love and gentleness that his mother and sister.
And you thought the one from this story, beyond asking for Faced with the problem of homophobia, you back in front of family love, the purity of that love which in recent years we have forgotten a bit, after the long line of family violence and murder ... now you look with a veil of also the idea of \u200b\u200bpure bitterness family ........" the everything follows the link http://www.forum.rai.it/index.php?showtopic=162510&f=199&st=0
guys .... I wonder ... how can all this happening again in 2007?? How can this happen to a species that calls itself "evolved "?!?!?!
Now it's up to you give me some answers .... or rather ... discuss it together .... tell me what you think .... compare our ideas .... I have no ambitions "fools" of the series all together change the world "... sure .... but you may already deal with us .... we will do very well!
a hug
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