11 to February 13 was held at the exclusive Hotel Villa Igiea frame, the exhibition for the ornament, "Palermo precious.
The event, organized by Confindustria Palermo in honor of Donna Franca Florio participated jewelers, antique dealers, designers and craftsmen of the textile industry and was also an opportunity to reward Sicilian women who have distinguished themselves in the field art and business.
The awards went to Francesca's Carpinello for art, Giuseppe Benanti Zalapì for social commitment, Iolanda Riolo and Natalia for Ravidà Spatafora entrepreneurship.
The choice of Villa Igea Hotel as a location for the exhibition is linked to the history of the villa, which belonged to the Florio years and exceptional place for political meetings and social gatherings, in a time when Palermo was a cultural and economic center leading, nationally and internationally.
From the February 11 th to the February 13 th , into the exclusive atmosphere of the Hotel Villa Igea , the exhibition: "The precious Palermo" was Held.
to the event, Organized by the Confederation of Palermo in honor of Donna Franca Florio, participated Goldsmiths, antiquarians, stylists, and textile art-crafts and it was also an opportunity to reward Sicilian women distinguished in the field of art and in the field of the entrepreneurship.
The prizes went to Francesca di Carpinello for the art field, to Giusy Zalapì Benanti for the social involvement, to Iolanda Riolo and Natalia Ravidà Spatafora for the entrepreneurship.
The choice of the Villa Igiea Hotel as location for the exhibition is connected to the history of the Villa itself: it belonged to the Florio Family and it was an extraordinary place for political and social meetings, in a time when Palermo was a political and cultural centre, at national and international level.
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