Sunday, June 27, 2010

How To Add Wifi To Ps3

Cart Technical hospitals

MondialCarrelli proposes a technical basket made entirely of stainless steel AISI 304. Complete with 4 wheels casters, 2 with brake bumpers on all 4 sides and 4. The plans are drawn with anti-tipping edge of the goods transported and provided with a soundproofing to muffle the noise during transport and loading the truck. The absence of visible screws and the rounded edges of the plans makes it perfectly clean and therefore suitable for local hospitals and cliniche.Nulla prohibits the use in hotels in general. The realization of these trucks is 100% Italian and the study design. Fourth-generation equipment to ensure product reliability in a great environment and great quality. The trolleys will find them on technical ItaliaGroup Corporate Division.
The video shown below demonstrates the ease of installation and the quality of materials used

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Museum Day Kitchen Iblea

Among the ancient splendor of the past that still lives in the charming Baroque town of Scicli, nestled in the historic center, founded the Museum of Kitchen Iblea.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Phrases That Start With The Word Baby


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010 Nackt In Tv Shou

Houses Don Valentino

In a beautiful valley filled with lush greenery created to wrap a place full of warmth, experience and history, there are mansions Valentino.
Here the serenity and relaxing backdrop to the dichotomy of the landscape, now mythologized by the Mediterranean, now by the beauty of the rarest examples of succulent plants lovingly grown by John and Marina in their nursery, a real natural park of over ten thousand square meters set in the far south of Sicily, in the territory of UNESCO and Scicli town gem of Val di Noto.


Visit our tourism product quality on the Province of Ragusa

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Perfect Period Cycle Calculator


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Embroidery Iron On Transfer Blank


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Can Implantation Occur Two Days After Intercourse

Difference Between Archicad And Autocad



Hello guys! we would like to tell you about a very important thing that will, in particular, the poor failed students in early grades this year and new members of the first classes of the school year 2010/2011 ... about 200 in all. We expect a nice surprise! The hotel industry is changed, is different in some things than at present. The education minister, Gelmini, belonging to the Berlusconi government, as we all know, has begun to enforce reforms to make - so he says - the school a place "best", with more discipline and more seriously, but this has upset a little all our regular classes. We return to the reform of higher education, and especially the professional hotel (which will be called to the Services for the Culinary and Hospitality).
Before we said that in particular we will be repeating the classes of the first half of this year and those that will be formed next year and now we tell you why:
the Minister of Education has decided to reduce school hours from 36 to 32 and requiring, however, to bring the daily hours from 50 to 60 minutes with the aim of giving more space to the lesson and make it less heavy children are still at school! But time spent in class is always the same, or more! To all this add the new neighbor as the first in 2010/11 will consist of nearly 30 students and you're done. But this is just the beginning, the Minister has also decided to include new subjects in the two years in the professional, physical (!?) In the first year, eliminating one hour Italian and one of earth sciences, and second year chemistry and biology of removing one hour more of an Italian (then complain when you write badly and talk worse!). Not yet fully met, decided to reduce the hours of workshop from 6 to 4 ... and this is a decision that puts at risk all very professional institutes because the "practical", and then the laboratory is very important for our schools, we can say basic. Another very important reform, is "dedicated" air of expertise and that of the testing process, that is, will phase out the qualifying examination in the third year and will provide a unique examination of what was then directly without a primary degree specialization in business you have chosen. Our institute then divide his 5 years in 2-year periods and 5 years. In particular, talking about our school, the course ETA no longer belong to our institute will also include Business Services. The 3rd area (area vocational), which is divided into different addresses for the attainment of a diploma additional regional (for example, the first white pastry arts and for the field kitchen, sommelier and chef de rang ...) has been eliminated!. Even the traditional symbols disappear, there will be more but the SAR 's FOOD (cooking area), ROOM SERVICE AND SALES (lounge bar area). And more yet we discover slowly.
Are you wondering why all these reforms?? The answer is soon called, simply and in few words, saving, and yes! All this, in fact, led to a significant reduction in staff and faculty of the ATA. Since, according to Gelmini and spend little on education and that most of the costs and the salaries of teachers ... He decided to disrupt everything that we "have" to be in "serious". At this point we told you everything. At least our amazement. We hope so to be clear and not to have been bored with this conversation, but it seemed appropriate to make all aware of what happens in our society and in politics, especially on things that affect us and our future. Think about it, and advice to all the boys of the first, try to be promoted, otherwise ... physics and chemistry. Good luck from your ... "journalists"
Rosaria Tuccillo, Ilaria Ricciardi, Giuseppe & Daniela Vergara Monaco

Our Hospitality becomes: Professional Institute for Wine and Food Services and Hospitality and Commercial Services
specializes: Fine Dining - Room Services and For Sale - Tourist

In Italy, this year in school, study, professional institutes in 1425, 547,826 pupils divided into 25,445 classes. There are currently five areas of vocational education, with 27 addresses. With the reorganization of vocational education will be re-affirmed the identity of this type of school in higher education and young people acquire the knowledge and skills needed to fill technical roles operating in the productive sectors of reference. Students and their families will be immediately clear answers about the possibilities of entering the world of work and further education college. Will overcome the overlap with technical education, the foundations were laid for an organic connection with the system of education and training professional competence of the Regions. The services will be more effective education and resources will be used in an appropriate way. The new vocational schools are divided into two macro-sectors: professional colleges for the services sector and professional institutes for industry and handicrafts sector. For the two sectors are the 6 addresses. The service sector and services for agriculture and rural development, health services, food and wine and hospitality services for hotel, commercial services. Industry and handicrafts: handicrafts and industrial maintenance services and
All current courses and related experiments sort of vocational schools flows over into the new system. The vocational schools have a weekly time corresponding to 32 hours. Are actual hours as opposed to the current virtual 36 (the average duration of 50 minutes). The training schools will have greater flexibility with respect to technical colleges. In particular, the flexibility in the address space reserved for vocational schools, additional to the amount already provided 20% of battery life, will amount to 25% in the first and second, to 35% in the third and fourth, to reach 40% in fifth. The course is divided into a two-year and fifth year. Vocational institutions may use the shares of flexibility to organize courses for the achievement qualifications of three years of vocational diplomas and four-year coordinated the supply side of vocational education and training scheduled from the area in their autonomy, on the basis of agreements with the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Finally, the reform provides - at least on paper, money permitting - the enhancement of laboratory educational activities, internships and school-work for learning, especially in the last two years and fifth years, through direct experience.
Reform (unless changes are not currently provided or expected) part of the class a ^, with the reduction to 32 hours, with time, which presents some new prospectus mentioned in the boys. There are indications that there are also the other current-year course, grades, graduation. For
as 2010-11, for classes 2 and 3 ^ ^, says the old system, but with reduced time to 34 hours, classes 4 and 5 ^ ^ continue without modification.
For the third working classes during the school year 2011/2012, the total annual teaching time is 32 hours per week
The reduction was made by the MIUR (rebate from disciplines with monte-time equal to or greater than 99 per year ) and covers about 20% disciplines. Furthermore, schools are managing the share of autonomy and flexibility ', within the quota allocated to staff within the framework and schedule, without creating a surplus, but the matter is complex to deal with and we'll talk later. - Art. 5, c. 3), perhaps seeing in its implementation in September.

professional institutions - they can use the space for flexibility in the first two years by 25% of the annual timetable of lessons to play a supplementary and complementary to the system of education and training set in Article 2 , paragraph 3, within the frameworks of the outstanding ordinary and organic
During the transition phase of state vocational schools can play that role following the signing of the agreements contained in Article 8 paragraph 2, and, when fully implemented, after reaching agreement in the Joint Conference
The Qualifications
during the transitional period until full implementation of Chapter III, Art. 27, c. 7 of Legislative Decree 226/2005, under subrogation:
Institutes of State may issue the professional qualifications of the previous regulations in force, including through the further flexibility of the share of 25% referred to the Rules, Art. 5, c. 3, letter c), useful new ways to coordinate with those currently in place. These qualifications will be deemed equivalent to new (CM No. 17 of February 18, 2010, p.3)
The third area is replaced in the fourth and fifth classes, running from the school year 2010/2011 and to set up a regime of order in this Regulation, with 132 hours of combined school and work drains on the resources referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 15 April 2005, No 77.

Discipline Area General

first two years I year II year
Italian Language and Literature English Language
4 4 3 3 2 2

History Mathematics 4 4 2 2
Law and Economics

Integrated Science (Earth Science and Biology) 2 2
Sciences Motor Sports and Activities Religion and
2 2 1 1 Alternative

Total Hours General Area 20 20

Area Address

Second Foreign Language (French / German) 2 2 Integrate knowledge
(Physics) 2 /
Ienzo Integrated (Chemistry) / 2 2 2
knowledge of Food Lab
food and wine service.
- Sept. 2 2
Kitchen Lab service food and wine.
- Sept. 2 2
Sale Room and Lab of abuse of Tourist

2 2 Hours of Total Area 12 12 E Area Total General Hours

+ Area 32 32 E

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Wedding Vendor Contract Template


I still at home with mum and dad ...? Emanuele Rezza

For years, the transition to adulthood more slowly than in the past, not only for structural problems that range from job insecurity to the high cost of housing. It changed the costume. We do not know where to begin and end adolescence to adulthood. He disappeared the border. And exploded a new disease: the sons against fathers. Not a tear for generations, not an act of freedom, but for a challenge ("they have the money, I have to keep until I need it, at the cost of dragging them into court.") And end up in court by the parents reported that children as adults. It is a new phenomenon, worrying sign of a new crisis in the family. "There are thirtysomething maintained by parents of the seventies and eighties."

The phenomenon affects the middle class, retired parents with € 800-1000 per month, ordinary people who do not take it anymore. The children of professionals, however, are a special case, they are already affected by substantial grants.
What is happening? The boys, say the "right" to be helped more, but this turns into an annuity, a monthly allowance indefinitely. Isolated cases? Macchi, there are many cases in all courts of Italy. Yet we are talking about people who have crossed the line of thirty. There judge who somehow do not go along with them. Among the many cases that of a boy of 34 years, enrolled in medicine, but off course for years, which has taken legal action against his father, a doctor. The case was discussed in a court of Lazio. The boy was living away from home in Rome, where he was living the good life with Daddy's allowance. When his father closed the taps because the test booklet was a disaster, the 34 year old sued the parent. "The court has granted € 500 monthly, not the 1500 that claimed, however, could have been worse."
And the Civil Code? "He says that if an adult child living in the family home is required to make a contribution, in fact, no one respects the code, indeed, we have described the phenomenon. At the expense of pensioners seventy - eighty years that still maintain the children of thirty to forty. Now a law is urgent, that frees parents from this burden infinite. In Anglo-Saxon countries, for example, the right to maintenance ceases on the age of majority at 18. Of course not mean that their children will be thrown on the street, parents continue to look after and maintain them as long as necessary, but at their discretion. "
All this should give a real cut. I speak not only of our political system which helps to not make the situation of young wealthy, then you add the fact that we (young people) what little is offered to us but we do not like too. So let's face it suits all young people ...

Corruption appears to be a chronic problem in Italian society. Already known and the subject of public debate among the ancient Romans, corruption has continued to scan the sequence of historical events of our country. We recall the sale of indulgences at the time of Pope Leo X, who gave birth to rejection, the Protestant Reformation, then move on, in more recent years, the scandal of the Banca Romana, which overthrew the government of Giolitti, to arrive, today, the bribery scandal, reported by newspapers as the "Clean Hands" investigation "or" Tangentopoli. " A scandal that in the early Nineties, involved entrepreneurs and politicians and has decimated the ruling class of so-called First Republic. After Tangentopoli, the perception of many is that corruption is actually still very common in Italy. Why, then, despite the sometimes severe convictions and the tragic human price paid for by some investigation, corruption continues to flourish in our country? Many agreed that Italy is not yet a strong democracy and finished with a well-functioning competitive market . The procedures are cumbersome public administration. The way to organize the offices excessively bureaucratic and outdated. It still works on the formal correctness of obligations and not on results. Corruption, meanwhile, not only creates injustice, but also severely damaged the economic life of the country. When the games are rigged to win are the smartest, not the best ones such as the company wins a contract, for example, building works bad, useless, at great cost, the damage done to society is immense . "Grease the wheels" become common practice if the membership of a clan is leader on the merits, in schools, offices, hospitals, businesses, economic life is usually a corrupt country, will win the mediocre, while the more risk to be competent esclusi.La corruption can be beat, indeed, he has to beat if you want to win the challenges of globalization. Reforming the justice, making it faster, reducing the number of laws, but by increasing their efficiency, improving transparency of the acts of government, clipping at the same time, the number of officers, better paid and making more efficient their work, Above all, the Italians must regain the values \u200b\u200bof responsibility and respect for the rules.
Colandrea Generoso, Francesco Illiano

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Find Information On Mason Jars As Lamps

's provocations MELANIA

Hello guys, here are some questions a bit 'special:
Have you ever been at the center of a "scandal" or gossip?
you ever be the target of unfounded words?
Who has not ever happened?! and if still not a rare person, be careful because the gossips are just around the corner, even here at school!
What can I say, the school is great as a building, but the people are small and spoke ill of it all.
The options here are two: adapting to people, or fight all the time and try to deny the continuing rumors that are created!
not imagine how many times I've seen girls, my friends, put in a bad light by many people jealous and made her suffer because go for what they were not. My advice?
do not care about! Sparla people who do it for two main reasons:
The first is that it has nothing to do from morning till night, and therefore the only way to use the time for them is this.
The second is certainly formed by two invisible and colorful little guys: the good old yellow and green envy and jealousy!
But fearing, there will always be people who Walking and Talking, the important thing is to always know who you are and / or who they are, people who know and speak evil, not people believe, not believe the lies and falsity of the people, because, as you well know, the rumors are zero!.
With these few words what I mean?
simply that the "mali-languages", should look in the mirror first and then talk to people who even know and, above all, know nothing.
After all they are good at talking, but nobody is really willing to understand and know the truth!
I hope I do not censor! Seriously,
I think the thought of many people, or better than good people, I assure you that we are in here (even if sometimes it is hard to believe it!). A kiss to
strong gossips,

Melanie P. s.: to spend time because instead of talking you do not practice sports? Good for body and spirit! =)=)=)=)=))=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) XOXO =)=)=)

Ignorance at 120 degrees

Hello guys, I'm still me ..
Now I propose to you a particular article in the knowledge that can not be shared by all of you but as they say? The world is beautiful because it is different, so anyway I'd love to be an "input" that inspire you, why not write the editorial exposing your ideas.
Assuming that this article is written by a girl your age who does not claim anything at all if not only responses from his classmates and assuming that many people in this institution, certainly those with whom I had the pleased to discuss or have a debate, they are extremely smart and have personality.
said that I want to tell one thing: The Grim
day I wore to the gym for an hour of physical education, I heard a friend of mine with two boys walking, talking amongst themselves and one said to another ( carry exact words): <>.
PANICOOOOO!! But do you think can be a normal thing?
Guys, I understand that we all have between 14 and 19 years, some even 20, but get this seems a bit absurd! But do you think you can such ignorance? Can we need to distinguish for this?
Then, it seems fair that the teachers complain of pupils-asses!
Well the fact is that what I've heard the other day made me think about how absurd it is that happens, the total lack of knowledge that's out there, the utter ignorance and indifference that glosses over the heads of these guys!
Do you realize?
Fortunately for me, however I also know boys and girls in this school, who reason, have principles, people who know how to listen and learn, who are interested, streamline and analyze things, but absolutely no other way instead!
I just want to make you think that is a very bad thing in my opinion.
I'll explain how you can get to say or, better not to know of such elementary things, and that with all due respect you should know from elementary school.
In any case I will not spend that much I believe that these lines are enough to explain what we are
upset to think that too often the professors are right in saying that many young people live in complete disregard and ignorance surf. What do you think? I hope you really telling me you answer and your personal idea would keep us both!

the ideal school
Hello Boys will now propose an article particularly "nice"!.
I state that any reference is purely coincidental and for problems with picky people, I want to stress that it is a simple article, written with a little 'speed of words but with no intention negative. That said, ladies and gentlemen ... start
Guys, how many times we had to talk among us of that professor too severe or that too funny?
How many times have we found in the corridors, recreation or talk to the teacher who does not understand anything about us and do not care what "we are in a bad time?", Or that instead of helping us and makes us friends, accomplice by making themselves available for us?!.
How many times have we said something wrong ... and the teachers do not say no!
How many, however, a prof. There is so funny and so much to heart that anyone who says a word "wrong" about him almost to a fight?!
How many we had to say that this is a great prof and the other is so rigid and severe that nothing could change it?
Well, I could go on and talk about what looks like a penguin, the other explains that when one understands you, or even only the Professor when he opens his mouth that has not yet connected to the brain, but that's not what I want to talk ... at least not entirely!
What I ask now is: Have you ever dreamed of an ideal school or better yet a great professor?
There are those who would prefer a young boy and in shorts, a girl who shapely and very, moOoOoltoOoO young, but is this really what we ask?
Mha, 'I do not think so!
often imagine an ideal school where the profs are not only prepared but also open to our needs, our ideas, we dream a school where teachers and professors, establish a relationship with us other than the teacher-pupil, often prefer they are our accomplices, and why not, even friends, but never like this.
Of course there is always the exception to the rule, but how many there are?
Too often we have compared and fantasized a little 'for real and a little' joke on a school in which perfect everything is a godsend, but in the end I do not think that's important.
I think, although maybe I'll be old, which is a school where teachers give the maximum of their "wisdom" to us students. Unfortunately, there are also many people who think like me but anyway I will continue to dream and imagine a school where teachers are all like the ones I know in part: open, inclusive, prepared, friendly and above all very intelligent people .
I dream a school where people are not only interested in clothing that bears the classmate or the latest gossip, but to people who have at least some personality!. I imagine
a school in which not the appearance but "be" ... And you
instead? that dream school? What do you want?
I hope someone asks if you give an answer, and why not, maybe write us and give us the opportunity to listen to her ... this will be a little dream? See the boys Celletti write? Come on guys, we believe in you!
Do not listen to those who say that just because you people are dell'alberghiero series B! the first class in life is the conquest started from small, start from the school, that's where you go!
Love, Melanie

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Everclear 190 California


National Competition Etna Cicktail

This year we held the ETNA NATIONAL COCKTAIL COMPETITION, Giarre, at IPSSAR "Falcone", now in its seventh edition. Was held in the town in Sicily, April 26 to 28 and as is tradition among the dozens of hotels that participated in this comparison was the Hostelry of Formia, under the coordination of prof. Grieco.
Brilliant, once again, the results achieved by our students to demonstrate the professionalism of our high school, which is better suited for the excellent standards achieved.
In fact, in the category Long Drink was ranked the 2nd place the pupil Salvatore Manzillo, with the creation Oasis of Ninfa, as follows:
5 cl Bacardi rum Cartablanca
3 cl 2 cl martini pink
Passito di Pantelleria
4 cl blood orange juice 2 cl
syrup Mandarin

Another good result, the 3 rd place of Alessandro Borriello, in Pre-dinner, with his creation Riviera of Ulysses.
Here are the ingredients:
2 cl 2 cl Martini rosé
pink grapefruit juice 1 cl 2 cl Prosecco Martini

Here are the impressions of two of our students, "These experiences have our new made it clear that everything you do must be done with serious commitment and sacrifice. 3 days were unforgettable, we have been able to deal with children from different schools .. you will relive those good times spent with special people .. in short, a dream on that stage. We thank our great immensely Professor Paul Grieco.

World Day for Water

On March 20th of February at 11:00 at the Conference Hall of this Institute, there was the celebration of World Day for Water, with the following program:
hours 11.10 - Welcome from the Headmaster
11:20 am - Presentation of work on water by the students of the first classes of the Institute and institutes that want to join
12.15 - Dr. Belisario conducted a workshop tasting mineral water
12:45 pm - The manager has completed the SIAN work with a speech on water resources in our territory.
13.00 - Lunch
the next edition

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Maxine's Last Will Cartoon

Bit Vinitaly

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BIT 2010

18-21 February 2010 by

prof. Nocca Joseph - Professor of Nutrition, form and IPSSAR prof. Head

The province of Latina has been present, for the umpteenth time and with the decisive participation of dell'Alberghiero shape, the International Tourism Exchange in Milan, held at the fairgrounds in Rho.
booth where we work, the area of \u200b\u200b250 square meters, is equipped with desk space for tour operators invited to participate. Many
, this year, operators pontine present: coast of Latium; Union Cures Suio; Tour Operators: Anxur Tours - Terracina; Tours Little Italy - Terracina; Transnational - Formia; Serapeum Travel - Formia; Ponziana Travel - Ponza, and individual operators: Hotel Miramare - Latina, Hotel Torre del Sole - Terracina, Circeo Park Hotel - San Felice Circeo, Appius Forum Mansio Hotel - Sezze; Hotel Europe - Latin America; Shell Hotel - Sperlonga, Hotel Oasi di Kufra, Sabaudia ; Hotel Calabattaglia-Ventotene.
The stand has been converted into a small room for the reception of guests, as well as an exhibition space for local products, entrusted the work of the Hotel Formia.
The school was represented with 46 students, accompanied by seven teachers and four engineers.
The daily work is done both through the distribution and dissemination of advertising material, through which many events from time to time during the day.
significant work done in the room in which he alternated journalists, accredited in search of information that is on the tourist on nature walks and restaurants. He also attended the activity
Director of the Institute, prof. Erasmo Colaruotolo, provincial and Alderman D'Arco Silvio.
The work continued until the following Sunday, followed a structured organization in scheduled meetings, tastings, audiovisual projections, di_informazioni-disclosure. Nonoostante the commitment of organizers and participants, because of the crisis has seen a noticeable drop in membership of public and private operators than in previous years, as many pavilions were completely closed, but qualified it appears the demand expressed by our visitors.

Now the student to the point of view: Cristina Antitomaso

From February 18 to 21 was held in the halls of the Fairgrounds, just outside Milan, the 30th International Tourism Exchange, which promotes the territories and their products typical, in the four-day fair was possible to travel around the world through 140 countries. The fair has proved to be an exclusive space where supply and demand have met and tourism operators - including us-have dell'Alberghiero many negotiations concluded, in a highly professional proposals. The event was organized into specific sections, linked to different types of tourism, the new technology for operators in the tourism sector to new market trends. Many schools also participated in the tourism sector, among the many regions there was also the Lazio, in which we stand were working students of the Hospitality of Formia.

was this journalist Tiziano Briguglio giving information about both local products than on food and wine pairings with regard to our region. Lots of interviews (at the fair were many journalists from around the world turned interviews with representatives of tourist companies and institutions to obtain information regarding the offer and the typical products of different countries) on our activities were also granted by the Dean, Professor. Colaruotolo. Among the students interviewed in particular students in their last year, including Pietrantuono Mark Mariniello Pasquale, Antonio Maccio, Stefania Marciano and Carmen Hassler. In addition to industry players have participated in many individuals who took advantage of the event to get ideas for planning the next holiday. The International Fair of Milan over the years has become the largest event dedicated to Italian and international tourism market. And the Hotelier of Formia always in the front row!
Antitomaso Cristina

Verona 8-12 April 2010

8 to April 12, 2010 some students and faculty of the Institute of Hospitality form, have participated in the 44th edition of Vinitaly Fair, a fair best known in oenology and wine to promote the typical products of the Province of Latina and offering tastings of dishes combined with some wines from the province. The event was held in Veronafiere. To understand what is Vinitaly, these are enough information given on the website:
"Vinitaly is primarily business opportunities in a fair that focuses in 5 days as high number of contacts made in an entire year, through targeted direct matching: the Buyers Club online, GDO Buyers Club, workshops and targeted tastings are a perfect example. In an area of \u200b\u200balmost 80 000 square meters net, Italian and foreign exhibitors offer their best output. In this area are flanked by an additional 10,000 square meters dedicated to tasting techniques, food & wine pairing, cooking and much more .. ". The net area 92,325 square meters used, 4213 of which 126 foreign exhibitors, 151,216 visitors including 45,083 foreign journalists, 2,643 of which 345 are foreign students
Among IPSS, in collaboration with the wineries in the province of Latina, and Latina Training, there were others among glia, Pietrantuono Mark Battis Carolina, Michael Night, Sinapi Amalia, Maresca Domenico Di Maio and Gianmarco, accompanied by Profs. Leonilde Ciufo and Pannozzo Alberto. Within this exhibition has been possible for visitors to go around in Italy because it was divided into halls where there were all Italian regions. The stand of the Lazio region, as in others, it was possible to find journalists, including Tiziano Briguglio, who interviewed, but also gave information as information officers for the town of competence. In addition, there were producers and buyers from all over the world who contacted the various wineries. The province of Latin America were, in particular, these companies Cantina Sant'Andrea Villa Gianna, Marco Carpineti, Casale del Giglio, Donald Giangirolamo. The best wines have been exported all over the world. Year after year this show seems to have more success, with increased participation of exhibitors and participating countries. We hope that continues in the future.
Marco Pietrantuono

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Bilder Von Milena Velba

CIC - Consideration of State 2009-10

CIC: a year of activity 'by Anna Buonaiuto

E' come this year the end of the school, in which projects have been activated, meetings and activities, many of them within a service in our institution for over ten years, the CIC. We have spoken several times on several occasions and the Center for information and advice, but maybe you need to explain briefly what it is and because it is born. The CIC is a point of listening in school for all those living in the school community in a situation of great distress or a call for help. In fact, although the central component in the activation of the facility, run by an outside consultant. The CIC is divided by a real working group, consisting of figures inside and outside the scope school. The psychologist offers his advice two days a week during school hours for outside students, teachers and families and in the afternoons for educators, the boarders and their families. For specific problems that need special attention. The psychologist, if it considers it, refers to specialist facilities. Also at the request of the board of class or individual student, the psychologist may also intervene in the classroom to address problems of social or relationship.
Activity in the service of CIC by psychologist
Conversations with students: 92 (with 37 students, including 14 boarders), 21 interviews with teachers
Conversations with parents: 7 Class Posts: 9 Topics
mainly emerged:
Problems adolescent growth and adaptation; search for identity and balance
melancholic depression, relationship problems with peers, emotional problems, difficulties in the idealization of friendship and friendly relationships: Family

conflictual relations with parents, problems of parental couple
Relationship problems with peers, with teachers reporting problems, difficulty in learning disabilities, problems with failure.


The contest schedule for the 2009/2010 school year is as follows:
first written exam: Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 8.30;
second written test, written or graphic-design: Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 8.30. .
third written exam: Friday, June 25, 2010, 8:30 am: each committee by June 24, collectively define the structure of the third written test, in line with the document of the class council. Simultaneously, the President shall, for each of the committees, the starting time of trial, enrollment by notifying the Institute or any of the institutions concerned. During the plenary meeting or in a subsequent, specially convened, the commission define the start date of the talks for each class / commission [...] The interview began with an argument or the presentation of experiences in research and design, even in multimedia format, chosen by the candidate. He is admitted to the examinations if you have a vote of not less than six tenths in each discipline and behavior ... (For more information, see the OM No. 44/2010)

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Numbness After Tanning


The realization of this issue have helped Eco IPSS:
Biagio Giuseppe Testa
Anna Buonaiuto
Valerio Vaudo
Capodiferro Christmas
Ianniello Rita Brown
Antonella Rinaldi
Maria Vittoria Ferraro

Drafting students:
Jessica Carmen Marino Melanie Hassler

Rezza Emmanuel Generoso

Buonavolontà Maria Gianni Di Costanzo Francesco Illiano

Falco Carlo Maria Vergara
Matthew Alberini
Castelli Pasquale Tuccillo Katia

Rosaria Ricciardi Ilaria
addition, in collaboration with: Luca
Marco Caccamo
Laura Cristina Periati
Gianmarco Rinaldi Anna
Joseph Tartaglia Mauritius Monaco

budding poets
Classes: 3 ^ receipt, V E tsr

Project Manager "Journal of the Institute" , graphic design and layout:
prof. Biagio head. The Echo Online is edited by prof. Christmas Capodiferro

Thanks to all those who worked and that perpetrators do not mention ... Thanks!

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Can You Buy An Airplane Seat For Dogs

"Our institution, for the umpteenth time, is the parent of a new edition of the Comenius project, which aims to promote cultural exchanges, professional and human rights among the various European nations and the Food theme and religion (Food for Soul). For this reason, on April 28 last year, a group of students IPSS of Formia, chosen because of their school performance, accompanied by teachers initiators and the head, went to Portugal, one of the nations participating in the project as the first stage of the same. To be precise, in the beautiful Azores. The countries participating in this edition of Comenius are: Italy, represented by us, Norway, Turkey and, of course, Portugal. The first meeting took place on the island of Tercera. We arrived there after a day on the plane. At the airport, we were greeted by the Dean, named Domingo, the school that hosted us. He led us in the capital, Praia da Vitoria, where we stayed. Now we discover the history and culture of those places. We could also attend a festival, the Feast of the Holy Spirit, linked to the theme of food and religion. For the Portuguese is a very important appointment. The first day, all representatives of the countries involved met to decide the schedule of the week, tours and activities included. Our delegation was led by the director, prof. Colaruotolo and included the prof. Luigi Iannotta, Prof. Ornella Ranieri and, besides myself, two other pupils of the 3rd Sagnes Richard equip. Treglia G and the Elizabeth B. IV tst The Turkish delegation consisted of three teachers (English, religion, cooking) and 4 students in Norway consisted of two professors and two girls. Also fed to the house. In students were mainly in the field kitchen.
The first day was devoted to mutual understanding, so that all delegations have submitted, which outlined the uses and customs of their places of origin. The secretary of the Portuguese, Sandra, also led us to the knowledge of the Institute and the island. The next day was chosen, among other things, the symbol - logo-which will identify the Comenius project, which is not what brought dall'Ipssar, appreciated but finished third in the preferences. We also appreciated the preparations of various typical dishes of the place and the tradition of the Feast of the Holy Spirit, including the fish cooked in particular way, alternating layers of vegetables and fish slices, we have seen, but only after preparation, a sweet bread typical of the area, used in various soups that cook. The third day we visited the town and participated in a sort of procession, in which there was a band that accompanied him, with various music, old men singing in Portuguese to celebrate the Holy Spirit, walking the streets of Praia da Vitoria. The fourth day was entirely dedicated to visiting various places and towns. In particular, we climbed up a mountain from which you could see almost the whole island. It 'was then the turn of a volcano. Inside, the vacuum left by the escaping lava, giving rise to a beautiful lake in the hills. Other natural scenery, the lake, in a protected park, Lake Pata das, located in the middle of a forest, very dense, pine and fir trees. It is not the spectacle of a bullfight in the street in a town near Praia da Vitoria, in which bulls were challenged by angry students who were in this makeshift arena to get noticed by girls. We also have detailed knowledge of the traditional dishes of the place, thanks to a chef, also taught the Portuguese Institute, which along with an old lady of the place explained in every detail the ingredients and the preparation of dishes, ranging from salty to sweet , but also very "fat".
Moreover, where there is the presence of fat, there is more taste. Finally, the last day, after greeting the Portuguese delegation, we are left with the other two to Lisbon, where we visited the most characteristic places of the city. In particular, I remember the Commerce Square, where a few days the Pope will celebrate Mass. In conclusion, these days, both boys and teachers have close friendships with peers and strangers exchanged information on the habits and traditions in religious and gastronomic field in each country. Of course, we boys we took the opportunity for boys and girls learn more Portuguese, Turkish that Norwegians. Hoping to see you soon from us. Maurizio
Tartaglia, 3 ^ cuc. A

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Lenovo - Blue Ocean Strategy

Edited by E. Rezza, M. Alberini, M. Buonavolontà and Laura Periati

As usual, the first section of our newspaper is the classic interview with the head teacher, always available to answer questions from our editors, looking at issues sometimes treacherous ...

Mr. Director, thank you availability and not to steal more precious time for your business, we start interview with the first question. How do you evaluate in general the school year that is ending? What made you happy and what more, however, he disappointed?
's start with a question ... I am busy enough to say that, as in the past, this school year, for me, it flew away, it will be for activities that have occurred frantic, as the events abroad ... Brazil, Portugal. The things I have met the most? Awareness of driving a school that, for better or worse, unable to keep pace with the times and the fact that he kept his promise to carry out some works, such as multi-purpose laboratory, then the intervention concrete Latina Province has invested, to work on the structure of our institution, a large sum of money, which allowed us to rebuild, among other things, the windows of the corridors, doors, classrooms, bathrooms, lifts, lobbies for the disabled, parking. Everything you see, in short, and that is still being finalized.
when finished, this school will become even more beautiful. It will also renovated the hotel, the reception and for practice teaching.
addition, is positive that the evening classes, which confirmed the number of members, confirming the good work. We continued to to prove useful to the territory but also to our children, who have experienced it. We have also got to find some resources that we need, help us.
The negative aspects are mainly related to inconvenience due to this work, we had to deal with you - and I thank you, because from this point of view, you were beautiful boys, as you endured glitches

Let's turn to another question, what are the expectations for the next a. s, in the light of the Reform Gelmini professional? What promises to our institution?
The picture is not yet clear, but some indications now seem certain. There will be reductions in hours for certain subjects - also for guidance - especially for the first but also for the other years of the course, and will bring all the lessons in 60 minutes. Sure, we can not be fully satisfied, but we will react once again, as we are doing, intensifying efforts, improving facilities, doing more events for members. Will apply the Reformation but it certainly will feel our observations. Of course, change the name of the institution, no more school for hotel and catering, but for wine and food services: we will also address the business services, replacing the ETA. It is not clear framework overall, but we will try to limit the damage and raise. Another novelty is the third area which will be abolished, which gave us some problems, but is also a great resource that puts students in touch with the outside world. We should go the way of school work at the regional level, but there are still no decisions on, and then the next year to replace the third area, we need to study forms of cooperation with the territory, with the experts. Why is not desirable that next year students of the fourth and fifth are limited to 30 hours without other experiences in the area. Will strengthen the events around the province, and the students will yet the opportunity to compete with the real world. Interventions should be designed and arranged with the College of Teachers.

Now a question a bit 'provocative view of the financial crisis cuts determined by the state, would not be appropriate to reduce the costs for events and company visits and greater focus on educational aspects

The answer is closely related to what is said in other responses. With the financial resources to enter events, however, past investments in education. In addition, contact with the local area offers opportunities for synergies with organizations and other public institutions, which is useful to have at his side, such as municipalities, provinces, regions, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza police and so on ... we must do, if anything, more and more events to be able to make further expenditure ...
These revenues also allow us to work on the renovation of the structure and equipment of laboratories.
also why we continue to have many members who are more opportunities here than in other.
We do not spend money on events, but to use with children. So you start in September and ends in May.

What is being studied to improve the livability of the school?
Meanwhile, as promised, for every room, new burglar-proof cabinets. With thick plates, which are still better than "room model (ie, already furnished with new cabinets and other devices, ndr)". In addition, painting of all rooms and other environments. Always in the direction of improving the living conditions of the school are doing the work that the Province, for example, with the installation of lifts. It 'also planned the reconstruction of television sets, and assembly of certain conditions. Maybe the summer will also host groups of tourists and students ...
course, one can still consider further proposals from the boys. A positive view on the whole should be given to the service kitchen, with a few personal situation ... there was an improvement on the past. For the boarding will be done even outside intervention, and with new benches .. settle the gardens, which must be kept and maintained order. What
like to say to the students in the conclusion of Asia?
At the risk of being repetitive, I would remind them that this period of life passes quickly. It 'a unique moment and crucial for how to live in the future. E 'unique to the freshness of mind that you have now. Take advantage. Show your teachers that had a small slip during the year can be overcome by the final sprint ..
trying not to organize, during the summer, many remedial courses for judgments suspended and 'something unnatural, to subtract the holidays, but should be done so you can correct the failures.
Keep therefore the dignity, without attempting subterfuge. I would love, in the ballot, not to propose the rejection of none. If you go out with a good mark, you will have the chance to live with a good momentum that had been raised. However, do not ever stop to read, to deepen, to update you. You must not think only of manual work, but also to direct, to improve. According to the slogan "put your brains in the kitchen, halls and rooms in the heart in the reception."

There will also be celebrating this year the the birthday of our Institute?
Yes, I would like to organize an event with you a little 'more sober than before, particularly last year when we organized, also the foreign delegations, the Baronial Castle of Minto, uniting the conclusion of the Comenius. We'll keep on June 8, here, outside, hoping it will be nice weather. Hoping that the boarders will also participate, if they are not already gone .. . A 'chance to be together. By that time probably also will be inaugurated the new access road all'Alberghiero and machines do not come more in the school perimeter.
Thank you for your availability, and wish you good work.
Thanks, guys and good luck for the end of the school

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San Diego Impound Yards

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- L 'Index
- A word from the executive by E. Rezza, M. Alberini, and Laura M. Periati Buonavolontà pp. 3-4
- Food for Soul Comenius Project, curated by Maurizio Tartaglia pp. 4-5
- Conference FIMMG by Caccamo L p. 6
- National Cocktail Competition Etna p. 7
- World Water Day p. 7
- Project Terrritorio and Typicality, by prof. Joseph Nocca (School Site) pp. 8, 9, 10.11
- Race gastronomic region of Lazio Rufino Pasquale p.
11 - Interview with the winners of Marino, E. Rezza pp. 11-12 - Traveling with a friend, A. Mandarello p.
12 - BIT 2010,, prof. Knuckle and C. Antitomaso pp. 13-14 - Marco Vinitaly Pietrantuono p. 14
- National Project Hospitality, edited by V. Vaudo p. 15
- My boarding school Maria Vergara p.
15 - Violence against women by M. Buonavolontà and K. Castelli pp. 15-16 - The violence of women over men of C. Falco p.
16 - Naples-London round trip, BR Ianniello p.
17 - Special: The Gelmini and all its reforms R. Tuccillo,
I. Ricciardi, M. Vergara and G. Monaco pp. 18-19 - The poems, G. Di Costanzo, M. Alberini pp. 20-21 - The Tale of GR pp. 21-22
- Multipurpose Laboratory, M. Alberini p. 22
- AAA M. .. Wanted Your Business Melanie p. 23
- Ignorance to 120 degrees of M. Melanie p. 23
- The ideal school of M. Melanie p. 24
- The home of thirty-something mom and dad E. Rezza p. 24
- Corruption and companies Colandrea Illiano and PM
25 - The number of classes V and III ricv TSR. A by Hassler and Rezza p. 26 - Who will come? p. 27
- Adoption Project: Dula and Ashenafy p. 27
- SMS, by the editorial staff pp. 28,29,30,31,32 - The Crossword Mavi pp. 33-34 - The Editor, The CIC, The tests were p. 35

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tomorrow Tomorrow But Not Today German Saying


For the last number of the year, we offer you the lyrics, moved by love, Di Costanzo and Alberini

Here is what I have said, of love, some love is great ...

find its soul through the soul of the beloved.
When the beloved retreats your soul
then your soul is lost
(Edgar Lee Masters, Spoon River Anthology)

Nothing is uglier than a word of love spoken coldly from a vent bored (N. Mahfouz, Alley mortar)

Love is the continuous questioning, but is also anxious wait (F. Alberoni, eroticism)

Now the poems of our students

I do not like loveless
not invent without
spring blooms to create perfume
not miss.
am the mother of love never existed
Giovanni Di Costanzo

dances a sad tango
a bare spring behind me
My black dress as a season
which lacks the most beautiful flower.
gets excited, the crowd applauds
and I realize I do not dance
but to fight, I fight this cold
What are they?
A dancer of false hopes and illusions that this
unwitting public

smiling ... I will not ask you to blossom

but day after day with the failure to cultivate sweetness
this seed planted in the field of love
weeping of my heart;
fertile raining blood, but I live and die. Giovanni Di Costanzo

False color Image
image fiber and spiral spring
delicate sweetness of perfume;
mute words,

imperfect image of balls that love from afar and keep silent;
sunflower petals,
image soft flesh,
mother of moments without breath, cold
image open, split chains, the service
... picture
The beginning and the end,
life and death.
Giovanni Di Costanzo

When the moon touches the sea and the stars can touch,
only then our love will end
M. Alberini

In the silence of the night my only thought is you!
I find myself looking at the stars
and only then did I realize that their beauty is immense
as the apple of your eye.
do not need words ... There are descriptions

But it can serve as a smile,
one and only look at me
scream, enjoy, dream.
M. Alberini

Love me for who I am
For moments of madness
For my mania
To tease my eyes I base.
Love me when you provoke
But above all love me because I love you
M. Alberini

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