Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Difference Between Archicad And Autocad



Hello guys! we would like to tell you about a very important thing that will, in particular, the poor failed students in early grades this year and new members of the first classes of the school year 2010/2011 ... about 200 in all. We expect a nice surprise! The hotel industry is changed, is different in some things than at present. The education minister, Gelmini, belonging to the Berlusconi government, as we all know, has begun to enforce reforms to make - so he says - the school a place "best", with more discipline and more seriously, but this has upset a little all our regular classes. We return to the reform of higher education, and especially the professional hotel (which will be called to the Services for the Culinary and Hospitality).
Before we said that in particular we will be repeating the classes of the first half of this year and those that will be formed next year and now we tell you why:
the Minister of Education has decided to reduce school hours from 36 to 32 and requiring, however, to bring the daily hours from 50 to 60 minutes with the aim of giving more space to the lesson and make it less heavy children are still at school! But time spent in class is always the same, or more! To all this add the new neighbor as the first in 2010/11 will consist of nearly 30 students and you're done. But this is just the beginning, the Minister has also decided to include new subjects in the two years in the professional, physical (!?) In the first year, eliminating one hour Italian and one of earth sciences, and second year chemistry and biology of removing one hour more of an Italian (then complain when you write badly and talk worse!). Not yet fully met, decided to reduce the hours of workshop from 6 to 4 ... and this is a decision that puts at risk all very professional institutes because the "practical", and then the laboratory is very important for our schools, we can say basic. Another very important reform, is "dedicated" air of expertise and that of the testing process, that is, will phase out the qualifying examination in the third year and will provide a unique examination of what was then directly without a primary degree specialization in business you have chosen. Our institute then divide his 5 years in 2-year periods and 5 years. In particular, talking about our school, the course ETA no longer belong to our institute will also include Business Services. The 3rd area (area vocational), which is divided into different addresses for the attainment of a diploma additional regional (for example, the first white pastry arts and for the field kitchen, sommelier and chef de rang ...) has been eliminated!. Even the traditional symbols disappear, there will be more but the SAR 's FOOD (cooking area), ROOM SERVICE AND SALES (lounge bar area). And more yet we discover slowly.
Are you wondering why all these reforms?? The answer is soon called, simply and in few words, saving, and yes! All this, in fact, led to a significant reduction in staff and faculty of the ATA. Since, according to Gelmini and spend little on education and that most of the costs and the salaries of teachers ... He decided to disrupt everything that we "have" to be in "serious". At this point we told you everything. At least our amazement. We hope so to be clear and not to have been bored with this conversation, but it seemed appropriate to make all aware of what happens in our society and in politics, especially on things that affect us and our future. Think about it, and advice to all the boys of the first, try to be promoted, otherwise ... physics and chemistry. Good luck from your ... "journalists"
Rosaria Tuccillo, Ilaria Ricciardi, Giuseppe & Daniela Vergara Monaco

Our Hospitality becomes: Professional Institute for Wine and Food Services and Hospitality and Commercial Services
specializes: Fine Dining - Room Services and For Sale - Tourist

In Italy, this year in school, study, professional institutes in 1425, 547,826 pupils divided into 25,445 classes. There are currently five areas of vocational education, with 27 addresses. With the reorganization of vocational education will be re-affirmed the identity of this type of school in higher education and young people acquire the knowledge and skills needed to fill technical roles operating in the productive sectors of reference. Students and their families will be immediately clear answers about the possibilities of entering the world of work and further education college. Will overcome the overlap with technical education, the foundations were laid for an organic connection with the system of education and training professional competence of the Regions. The services will be more effective education and resources will be used in an appropriate way. The new vocational schools are divided into two macro-sectors: professional colleges for the services sector and professional institutes for industry and handicrafts sector. For the two sectors are the 6 addresses. The service sector and services for agriculture and rural development, health services, food and wine and hospitality services for hotel, commercial services. Industry and handicrafts: handicrafts and industrial maintenance services and
All current courses and related experiments sort of vocational schools flows over into the new system. The vocational schools have a weekly time corresponding to 32 hours. Are actual hours as opposed to the current virtual 36 (the average duration of 50 minutes). The training schools will have greater flexibility with respect to technical colleges. In particular, the flexibility in the address space reserved for vocational schools, additional to the amount already provided 20% of battery life, will amount to 25% in the first and second, to 35% in the third and fourth, to reach 40% in fifth. The course is divided into a two-year and fifth year. Vocational institutions may use the shares of flexibility to organize courses for the achievement qualifications of three years of vocational diplomas and four-year coordinated the supply side of vocational education and training scheduled from the area in their autonomy, on the basis of agreements with the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Finally, the reform provides - at least on paper, money permitting - the enhancement of laboratory educational activities, internships and school-work for learning, especially in the last two years and fifth years, through direct experience.
Reform (unless changes are not currently provided or expected) part of the class a ^, with the reduction to 32 hours, with time, which presents some new prospectus mentioned in the boys. There are indications that there are also the other current-year course, grades, graduation. For
as 2010-11, for classes 2 and 3 ^ ^, says the old system, but with reduced time to 34 hours, classes 4 and 5 ^ ^ continue without modification.
For the third working classes during the school year 2011/2012, the total annual teaching time is 32 hours per week
The reduction was made by the MIUR (rebate from disciplines with monte-time equal to or greater than 99 per year ) and covers about 20% disciplines. Furthermore, schools are managing the share of autonomy and flexibility ', within the quota allocated to staff within the framework and schedule, without creating a surplus, but the matter is complex to deal with and we'll talk later. - Art. 5, c. 3), perhaps seeing in its implementation in September.

professional institutions - they can use the space for flexibility in the first two years by 25% of the annual timetable of lessons to play a supplementary and complementary to the system of education and training set in Article 2 , paragraph 3, within the frameworks of the outstanding ordinary and organic
During the transition phase of state vocational schools can play that role following the signing of the agreements contained in Article 8 paragraph 2, and, when fully implemented, after reaching agreement in the Joint Conference
The Qualifications
during the transitional period until full implementation of Chapter III, Art. 27, c. 7 of Legislative Decree 226/2005, under subrogation:
Institutes of State may issue the professional qualifications of the previous regulations in force, including through the further flexibility of the share of 25% referred to the Rules, Art. 5, c. 3, letter c), useful new ways to coordinate with those currently in place. These qualifications will be deemed equivalent to new (CM No. 17 of February 18, 2010, p.3)
The third area is replaced in the fourth and fifth classes, running from the school year 2010/2011 and to set up a regime of order in this Regulation, with 132 hours of combined school and work drains on the resources referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 15 April 2005, No 77.

Discipline Area General

first two years I year II year
Italian Language and Literature English Language
4 4 3 3 2 2

History Mathematics 4 4 2 2
Law and Economics

Integrated Science (Earth Science and Biology) 2 2
Sciences Motor Sports and Activities Religion and
2 2 1 1 Alternative

Total Hours General Area 20 20

Area Address

Second Foreign Language (French / German) 2 2 Integrate knowledge
(Physics) 2 /
Ienzo Integrated (Chemistry) / 2 2 2
knowledge of Food Lab
food and wine service.
- Sept. 2 2
Kitchen Lab service food and wine.
- Sept. 2 2
Sale Room and Lab of abuse of Tourist

2 2 Hours of Total Area 12 12 E Area Total General Hours

+ Area 32 32 E

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